Parenting Children: The Do's and Don'ts of Getting Your 3-5 Year Old to Sleep

Are you struggling with a toddler or preschooler who refuses to go to sleep?

Cars Toddler Bed

Getting children to go to sleep is one of the most talked about issues that concern parents, second only to getting your child to behave. There have been parents in near hysterics, trying to deal with a child who throws huge tantrums when asked to go to sleep.

Cars Toddler Bed

There are several things you can do to help your 3-5 year old go to sleep without too much trouble:

1. Do stick to a schedule.

It's tempting during summer break to ease up on bedtime routines and allow your child to go to sleep late. If done occasionally it doesn't present a problem. However consistently allowing your child to dodge regular bedtimes creates confusion.

Persistent children will challenge bedtime, since it's their nature to push the envelope. Other children may feel insecure when routines aren't followed, and react with disruptive and unruly behavior.

If you decide to allow your children to stay up late occasionally, schedule it first. You can decide to let your kids go to sleep late once a week, and choose a specific day.

2. Do follow a consistent bedtime routine.

This is an obvious one, and many parents feel that they've got this base covered. The key to this, however, is giving over the responsibility of carrying out the bedtime routine to your child.

Even if your child is as young as three years old, they're capable of following a chart with pictures, putting a sticker on a picture when the action is completed.

The magic of this lies in the fact that many children view bedtime as something imposed from the outside, causing them to rebel simply because "Mommy told me to." Putting your child in charge as much as possible reduces this natural resistance.

3. Don't use incentives or prizes for going to sleep longer than 30 days.

Incentives and rewards are a great way of providing the extra push a child needs in order to attempt a difficult task. The best way to use incentives is in helping your child to stick to a habit.

Since acquiring a habit takes about 30 days, this is the maximum amount of time you should use prizes or incentives for a particular behavior.

4. Do allow your child a crutch, if they need it.

As long as the crutch isn't damaging to your child's health, go ahead and let your child sleep with all 25 cars in his car collection. It won't hurt him, and if he manages to go to sleep despite the space limitations, why not?

Most children discard such unusual sleeping arrangements when they get old enough to be embarrassed about it (usually by the age of 9 or so).

5. Consider using natural sleep aids or remedies.

There are numerous safe natural alternatives that will help your child settle down. Passiflora, for example, is safe for small children. It can be made into a soothing tea, and can help calm an overtired toddler or a too-full-of-energy preschooler. Lavender in a pillowcase has also been shown to promote sleep.

note: This is not medical advice, nor should it be taken as such. Use common sense, and ask your doctor before you give anything to your child.

6. Don't forget to try and make up for lost sleep yourself.

Living with a child who refuses to go to sleep can affect your work, health, and your marriage. While you may not be able to make up all of the sleep time you've lost, do try and "power nap" for 15 minutes or so sometime during the day.

Parenting Children: The Do's and Don'ts of Getting Your 3-5 Year Old to Sleep
Cars Toddler Bed

Cyber Monday Step2 Tool Chest Dresser 2011 Deals

Nov 30, 2011 01:47:22

Cyber Monday Step2 Tool Chest Dresser Deals
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Step2 Tool Chest Dresser

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Step2 Tool Chest Dresser <<

Cyber Monday Step2 Tool Chest Dresser Feature

  • Double-wall poly construction is durable and maintenance-free
  • Doors open to reveal molded-in interior shelf
  • Real Racing Decals included

Cyber Monday Step2 Tool Chest Dresser Overview

Step2 Tool Chest DresserThe Tool Chest Dresser is a decorative storage option for children's clothing and toys combining design and good looks. This sturdy, plastic dresser makes organization fun for children with its realistic tool chest styling and fixed "wheels" on the bottom. The doors open to reveal a large interior with a molded-in center shelf. With its double wall poly construction, the Tool Chest Dresser is durable and maintenance-free. The surfaces wipe clean easily and includes plenty of real racing decals for customization. Measures 31.5" x 31.5" x 16.25"

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This Cyber Monday Step2 Tool Chest Dresser ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Step2 Tool Chest Dresser

Limited Offer Today!! Step2 Tool Chest Dresser Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

Cot Mattress Twin Size Mattress

Eight Sleep Tips for Every Child

Up to 70% of children under age five have sleep problems. Sleep issues are complicated and have many causes. They're hard to deal with because when children aren't sleeping, parents aren't sleeping, and that lack of sleep affects every minute of every day for every person in the family because lack of sleep isn't just about being tired. Sleep has a role in everything -- dawdling, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, growth, health, and even learning to tie his shoes and recite the ABCs. Sleep affects everything.

Cars Toddler Bed

The following ideas are of value to almost any sleeper, of any age. These tips can bring improvement not only in your child's sleep, but also in her daytime mood and last, but not least - improvements in your own sleep and outlook as well.

Cars Toddler Bed

# 1 Maintain a consistent bedtime and awaking time.

Your child's biological clock has a strong influence on her wakefulness and sleepiness. When you establish a set time for bedtime and wake up time you "set" your child's clock so that it functions smoothly.

Aim for an early bedtime. Young children respond best with a bedtime between 6:30 and 7:30 P.M. Most children will sleep better and longer when they go to bed early.

# 2 Encourage regular daily naps.

Daily naps are important. An energetic child can find it difficult to go through the day without a rest break. A nap-less child will often wake up cheerful and become progressively fussier or hyper-alert as the day goes on. Also, the length and quality of naps affects night sleep - good naps equal better night sleep.

# 3 Set your child's biological clock.

Take advantage of your child's biology so that he's actually tired when bedtime arrives. Darkness causes an increase in the release of the body's sleep hormone -- the biological "stop" button. You can align your child's sleepiness with bedtime by dimming the lights during the hour before bedtime.

Exposing your child to morning light is pushing the "go" button in her brain -- one that says, "Time to wake up and be active." So keep your mornings bright!

# 4 Develop a consistent bedtime routine.

Routines create security. A consistent, peaceful bedtime routine allows your child to transition from the motion of the day to the tranquil state of sleep.

An organized routine helps you coordinate the specifics: bath, pajamas, tooth-brushing. It helps you to function on auto-pilot at the time when you are most tired and least creative.

# 5 Create a cozy sleep environment.

Where your child sleeps can be a key to quality sleep. Make certain the mattress is comfortable, the blankets are warm, the room temperature is right, pajamas are comfy, and the bedroom is welcoming.

# 6 Provide the right nutrition.

Foods can affect energy level and sleepiness. Carbohydrates can have a calming effect on the body, while foods high in protein or sugar generate alertness, particularly when eaten alone. A few ideas for pre-bed snacks are: whole wheat toast and cheese, bagel and peanut butter, oatmeal with bananas, or yogurt and low-sugar granola.

Vitamin deficiencies due to unhealthy food choices can affect a child's sleep. Provide your child with a daily assortment of healthy foods.

# 7 Help your child to be healthy and fit.

Many children don't get enough daily physical activity. Too much TV watching and a lack of activity prevents good sleep. Children who get ample daily exercise fall asleep more quickly, sleep better, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed.

Avoid activity in the hour before bedtime though, since exercise is stimulating - they'll be jumping on the bed instead of sleeping in it!

# 8 Teach your child how to relax.

Many children get in bed but aren't sure what to do when they get there! It can help to follow a soothing pre-bed routine that creates sleepiness. A good pre-bed ritual is story time. A child who is listening to a parent read a book or tell a tale will tend to lie still and listen. This quiet stillness allows him to become sleepy.

Work with these eight ideas and you'll see improvements in your child's sleep, and yours too.


Eight Sleep Tips for Every Child
Cars Toddler Bed

Tv Mounts

Co Sleeper Moms - Stop Worrying About Baby Rolling Off the Bed

For my wife, Karen, trying to get any sleep with our first baby was a nightmare. She was breastfeeding him so I wasn't much help. We couldn't take turns feeding him in shifts. So every night Karen would have to get up several times, grab the little guy and sit in the rocking chair feeding time.

Cars Toddler Bed

During maternity leave this was bearable because Karen could catch up on some of the sleep during the day. When the baby napped, Karen napped. But once Karen's maternity leave ended, so did any thought of ever feeling rested again. Our baby didn't know that his mom's maternity leave had ended. He just kept up his normal sleeping and eating pattern which meant that Karen was up every couple hours feeding the baby.

Cars Toddler Bed

After a long night of very little sleep, Karen had to be up early and spend most of the day on her feet teaching her High School English Class. Somehow Karen made it through the first year of our newborn's life without losing her sanity.

So when we had our second baby boy, Karen wanted to try something different. She decided to try co sleeping with our newborn. At first I was a little worried. I thought what if I roll over and crush him. What if I'm awake all night and can't sleep. It's bad enough already having one of us going without much sleep.

But soon I put those worries to rest. Instead of having sleepless nights, both Karen and I actually get much more sleep. Now whenever our little guy is hungry Karen is right there to feed him. She doesn't have to get out of bed and sit in a chair for a good part of the night. We don't have a baby that needs to get into full cry mode to be heard by his mom and dad.

And that worry about rolling on him has never been a problem with either of us. It almost seems that Karen intuitively knows where he is. I think that might be just part of being a mom.

But there was one worry that Karen had about co sleeping with our baby. It was that our baby boy would roll out of bed and get hurt. Karen began doing some research to see if there were any co sleeper products that would protect a baby from rolling off a bed.

After some searching, Karen found an original co sleeper pillow. The co sleeper pillow is about five feet long and about 12 inches in diameter. It lays on the edge of our bed attached to a sheet that we sleep on. It works incredibly well as a barrier to keep our baby boy on the bed. And since the pillow lays right on the bed there is no worry about the baby getting stuck between the co sleeper pillow and the bed. In fact the co sleeper pillow is a patented design and is doctor recommended.

There are other co sleeper bassinets available for parents who want to co sleep with their babies. And if you worry about having your baby in your bed you can get one of the original co sleeper products, a bassinet co sleeper that can be placed right next to your bed.

So start your own research and learn more about co sleeping with your baby safely with other great family bed co sleeper.

Co Sleeper Moms - Stop Worrying About Baby Rolling Off the Bed
Cars Toddler Bed

Black Friday KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed 2011 Deals

Nov 28, 2011 04:37:26

Black Friday KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed Deals
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KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed <<

Black Friday KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed Feature

  • Fits most crib mattresses
  • Low to the ground to allow easy access for kids
  • Bed rails keep kids safe and secure
  • Bench built in to foot of the bed
  • Fun colorful racecar artwork

Black Friday KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed Overview

Let's go for a ride. Our racecar Toddler Bed makes the transition from a crib to a regular bed as easy as possible. Kids will love getting in bed at night and driving off to dreamland.

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This Black Friday KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed

Limited Offer Today!! KidKraft Racecar Toddler Bed Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Lens Pen Cleaning Bushnell Rimfire Scopes 4 Inch Foam Pad

Ways to Protect Your Child from Bunk Bed Accidents and Injury At Home

Bunk beds are frequently used as a child's first regular bed after the child outgrows a crib. Some bunk beds also are used separately as twin beds for older children and even adults. Every year, thousands of children receive treatment for injuries associated with bunk beds. Most of these injuries are fairly minor and occur when children fall from the beds. But there are other less obvious yet potentially very serious hazards associated with bunk bed structures that have entrapped children and resulted in suffocation or deaths.

Cars Toddler Bed

1. Head Entrapment under Bunk Bed Guard Rails.

Cars Toddler Bed

This can cause death to young children. To reduce the risk of your child slipping feet first into the space between the lower edge of a guardrail and the top surface of the mattress never allow children under 6 years-old on the upper bunk. Also close the space between the lower edge of the guardrail and upper edge of the bed frame to 3-1/2 inches or less.

2. Falling Mattresses or Foundations Can Cause Injury or Even Kill A Small Child.

Mattresses or foundations resting only on ledges need cross wires, or other means of support to help prevent dislodgement, even when beds are not stacked. Securely fasten supports to ledges of both beds with screws or bolts. Supports can be provided by wood slats, metal straps or sturdy wires. Be sure crossties are under the mattress foundation of each bed and that they are secured in place even if bunks are used as twin beds. Fasten additional cross ties underneath the mattress foundation of both beds.

3. Using the Wrong Size Mattress Can Cause Injury or Even Death

Strangulation deaths can occur if a child falls through an opening created between the mattress and headboard or footboard when a regular length mattress is used in an extra long bed frame. Choose a mattress that correctly fits your bed.

4. Use of the Bed without Rails on Both Sides

Death or injury may occur if a very young child rolls off the bed and becomes entrapped between the wall and the side of the bed not having a guardrail. This hazard is not unique to bunk beds. Regular beds can present the same hazard. Always use two side guardrails on the upper bunk. Keep guardrails securely in place at all times no matter what the age of the child. Children move about during sleep and may roll out of bed.

5. Playing Around Bed Furniture Frequently Contributes To Accidents.

Teach children that rough play is unsafe around and on beds and other furniture. Emphasize to children to use the ladder and not chairs or other pieces of furniture to climb into or out of the top bunk.

6. Metal Bunk Beds

To help avoid bunk bed collapse, inspect all mattress support fin tabs and pockets for breaks or cracks in the metal and welds. The fin tabs are inserted into pockets located near each of the bed's eight corners. Stop using damaged beds as bunks and contact the manufacturer or importer for repair or replacement.

Ways to Protect Your Child from Bunk Bed Accidents and Injury At Home
Cars Toddler Bed

Black Friday Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed 2011 Deals

Nov 27, 2011 06:00:21

Black Friday Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed Deals
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Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed <<

Black Friday Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed Feature

  • Now our best selling Lightning McQueen bed comes in a toddler size for the little fans
  • Realistic styling and detailing will have your little young drivers racing off to dreamland
  • Uses US Standard crib mattress
  • Mattress approximately 52"x 28" x6" with support
  • Mattress not included

Black Friday Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed Overview

Now our best selling Lightning McQueen bed comes in a toddler size for even the littlest fans! With fun details and sporty styling, this Cars-themed bed is the perfect first "big-kid" bed . Bed uses US standard crib mattress (approximately 52" x 28" x 6") with support or a 29" x 51" x 3/4" sheet of plywood. Mattress, support and plywood not included.

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Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed

Limited Offer Today!! Little Tikes Lightning McQueen Roadster Toddler Bed Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

2 Swivel Casters Canon Digital Still Cameras

Decorating a Room with Disney Cars Room Decor

With the popularity of the recent Disney Pixar Cars movie, chances are that your little boy is wanting Lightning McQueen, Mater, and all their friends to now grace every surface of his bedroom. Decorating a room with a Disney Cars room décor is fairly easy and inexpensive. Merchandise is available all over the web and if you are lucky, you may also find an item or two in the stores. Because of the popularity of the movie, all Cars merchandise has been extremely popular so I have learned that when you find an item you want that isn't sold out, you have to move quickly and buy it.

Cars Toddler Bed

So what is available for decorating a Disney Cars theme room? Well first, you will have you choice of a couple of beds. A Disney Cars toddler bed is available as is a Lightning McQueen Race Car bed that comes in a twin size. You will also be able to find Disney Cars toddler bedding and twin size bedding sets.

Cars Toddler Bed

It doesn't stop with just beds and bedding though. The amount of Disney Cars room décor available extends to wall art, room decals, lamps featuring Lightning and Mater, and even dresser knobs featuring many of the movie's key characters. You will also be able to find Disney Cars furniture pieces including toy boxes and table and chair sets for your Disney Cars theme room.

So if your little boy has been dreaming of a Disney Cars themed bedroom, you will have no trouble coming up with enough Disney Cars room décor to create the Lightning McQueen room of his dreams!

Decorating a Room with Disney Cars Room Decor
Cars Toddler Bed

Black Friday Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails 2011 Deals

Nov 26, 2011 07:23:10

Black Friday Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails Deals
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Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails <<

Black Friday Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails Feature

  • Super cool Disney Cars design theme featuring bright colors and cheerful designs
  • Made of solid wood construction for strength and durability that will last
  • Uses standard crib mattress (sold separately) Meets all JPMA safety standards for toddler beds and comes in a non-toxic finish.
  • Sits low to the ground for easy in and out.
  • Some assembly required. Meets all JPMA/ASTM safety standards.

Black Friday Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails Overview

Delta Cars Wooden Toddler BedSporting the number 95, this red roadster made famous by the Disney movie Cars is the perfect bed for your little one. Made of solid wood construction, the Toddler Bed uses a standard crib mattress. Delta has included safety rails and the bed sits low to the ground for easy entry and exit. The fine details on the bed frame will make any child's bedroom stand out.

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This Black Friday Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails

Limited Offer Today!! Cars Wooden Toddler Bed with Safe Sleep Rails Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

50Mm Rifle Scopes

Breathable Crib Bumper Pads

Why are we saying good-bye to crib bumper pads? Even though they have long been a part of any respectable nursery bedding collection, the use of bumper pads for the crib have been controversial for quite some time. It's been one of those "To use or not to use. That is the question" kind of situations regarding an infant's safety that are endlessly pondered by new parents.

Cars Toddler Bed

Loose bedding alone is enough to worry about. The thought of a helpless baby becoming trapped by lovingly placed items that are meant to keep them comfortable and warm as toast is more than anybody with a beating heart can bear.

Cars Toddler Bed

Educated mothers, fathers and childcare professionals take every precaution possible to prevent the unthinkable from happening by limiting the items inside a baby's bed. The elimination of cradle and baby bumper pads has been part of the process of making the bed more newborn friendly ever since it was announced several years ago that they were considered unsafe for use.

As with any recommendation, there have been those who resist change. Some cite the facts that crib bumper pads rarely if ever cause problems and that the benefits of cushioning a baby's head from hitting the hard crib rails may outweigh the minimal danger presented by their use.

However, with the recent news that maintaining proper air circulation to a baby there is yet another good reason to kick crib bumper pads to the curb. This leaves a baby who is prone to get those tiny arms and legs stuck between the crib's slats in a little bit of a dilemma, or does it?

There is a product that provides the best of both worlds as far as baby bumper pads are concerned. It is a breathable bumper pad made of a mesh material that keeps a baby from pushing his or her arms and legs out of the crib. The stated benefits are that even if the infant's face is pushed up against the crib bumper pad, the material will not present a suffocation hazard. Another plus is that the material is thin and porous enough to keep that precious air circulating that may be a factor in preventing SIDS.

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention and modern moms are nothing if not savvy and ingenious. With the breathable baby bumper pad they have squashed several nursery safety issues with the breathable bumper pad. It's too thin for baby to stand on to get a boost up and out of the crib, porous to allow baby a fresh flow of air and breathable enough to give moms peace of mind. Now, if they can make the breathable version pretty and include it with popular bedding collections it would be a hit with decorators as well as concerned parents.

Breathable Crib Bumper Pads
Cars Toddler Bed

Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue 2011 Deals

Nov 25, 2011 08:36:46

Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue Deals
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Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue <<

Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue Feature

  • Super for sleepovers, camping and daycare
  • Durable all steel constructed frame that has a reinforced canvas bed liner
  • Washable matching sheet
  • Perfect cot for outings, travelling, camping, day care or lounging around the house
  • Incredibly quick and easy to set up and fold down

Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue Overview

An essential item for travel, sleepovers, nap time, and camping, the Regalo My Cot Portable Bed provides a safe, comfortable alternative to your child's bed at home. The portable, lightweight cot includes a convenient carry case and sets up and folds down in seconds. Parents can rest assured that this portable children's cot meets all current safety standards, thanks to its sturdy all-steel frame and a durable canvas bed liner.

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)

My Cot Portable Bed
(Royal Blue)
At a Glance:

Age/Weight Requirements:
2 to 5 years; up to 75 pounds and 52 inches tall

Warranty: Limited, 90-day
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Lightweight Children's Cot for Easy Travel

Whether your child is staying over at grandma's house or taking a nap at day care, the My Cot Portable Bed provides an ideal place to rest. The portable bed folds compactly for travel and stores easily into its fabric carry case. Weighing just four pounds, this bed quickly sets up whenever and wherever you need it. Plus, it can be used in outdoor settings, such as picnics at the park or a day at the beach.

Comfortable, Sturdy Frame

Constructed with an all-steel frame for safety and stability, the portable bed meets current safety standards. The bed liner is made from a sturdy canvas material with reinforced stitching for added durability. As an extra comfort feature, the portable bed includes a cotton fitted sheet that fits snugly over the frame and is machine washable.

Portable and Easy to Clean

The portable bed measures 48 inches long, 26 inches wide, and provides a 7 inch clearance from the ground. It's ideal for use with children ages 2 to 5 years old that weigh up to 75 pounds and are less than 52 inches tall.

The cot cover is machine washable, so it's quick and easy to clean after each use. The bed liner can be wiped down with a cloth and warm, soapy water.

The Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue) is backed by a limited, 90-day warranty.

About Regalo Baby: Products for the Most Important People in the World

All Regalo products are designed with a strong commitment to safety and convenience for parents and caregivers. Ranging from bed rails to booster seats, Regalo products are made from nontoxic materials that are certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards wherever possible. Regalo is proud of its reputation in maintaining one of the best safety records for juvenile products.

By donating products throughout the year, Regalo focuses on giving back to children's organizations such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc. (K.I.D.S), and numerous nonprofit organizations that support struggling mothers.

What's in the Box

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue), carrying case, cot cover, and instruction guide.

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)

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Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue

Limited Offer Today!! Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Battery Test Equipment

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue

Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue 2011 Deals

Nov 24, 2011 10:01:06

Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue

>> Click here to update Black Friday prices for Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue <<

Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue Feature

  • Super for sleepovers, camping and daycare
  • Durable all steel constructed frame that has a reinforced canvas bed liner
  • Washable matching sheet
  • Perfect cot for outings, travelling, camping, day care or lounging around the house
  • Incredibly quick and easy to set up and fold down

Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue Overview

An essential item for travel, sleepovers, nap time, and camping, the Regalo My Cot Portable Bed provides a safe, comfortable alternative to your child's bed at home. The portable, lightweight cot includes a convenient carry case and sets up and folds down in seconds. Parents can rest assured that this portable children's cot meets all current safety standards, thanks to its sturdy all-steel frame and a durable canvas bed liner.

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)

My Cot Portable Bed
(Royal Blue)
At a Glance:

Age/Weight Requirements:
2 to 5 years; up to 75 pounds and 52 inches tall

Warranty: Limited, 90-day
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Lightweight Children's Cot for Easy Travel

Whether your child is staying over at grandma's house or taking a nap at day care, the My Cot Portable Bed provides an ideal place to rest. The portable bed folds compactly for travel and stores easily into its fabric carry case. Weighing just four pounds, this bed quickly sets up whenever and wherever you need it. Plus, it can be used in outdoor settings, such as picnics at the park or a day at the beach.

Comfortable, Sturdy Frame

Constructed with an all-steel frame for safety and stability, the portable bed meets current safety standards. The bed liner is made from a sturdy canvas material with reinforced stitching for added durability. As an extra comfort feature, the portable bed includes a cotton fitted sheet that fits snugly over the frame and is machine washable.

Portable and Easy to Clean

The portable bed measures 48 inches long, 26 inches wide, and provides a 7 inch clearance from the ground. It's ideal for use with children ages 2 to 5 years old that weigh up to 75 pounds and are less than 52 inches tall.

The cot cover is machine washable, so it's quick and easy to clean after each use. The bed liner can be wiped down with a cloth and warm, soapy water.

The Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue) is backed by a limited, 90-day warranty.

About Regalo Baby: Products for the Most Important People in the World

All Regalo products are designed with a strong commitment to safety and convenience for parents and caregivers. Ranging from bed rails to booster seats, Regalo products are made from nontoxic materials that are certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards wherever possible. Regalo is proud of its reputation in maintaining one of the best safety records for juvenile products.

By donating products throughout the year, Regalo focuses on giving back to children's organizations such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc. (K.I.D.S), and numerous nonprofit organizations that support struggling mothers.

What's in the Box

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue), carrying case, cot cover, and instruction guide.

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)
Regalo My Cot Portable Bed (Royal Blue)

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Available In Stock.

This Black Friday Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue

Limited Offer Today!! Regalo My Cot Portable Bed, Royal Blue Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Wooden Counter Stools Latex Organic Mattress